Kesha | Mr. Fluffy Pant$

While many on this list are dog lovers, Kesha is a bit different and prefers cats. Right now, the singer has at least five cats, with Mr. Fluffy Pant$ among them. Kesha rescued this cat on October 5, 2013, and then asked fans the following day to name him. After she announced his name, the singer created an Instagram and a Twitter account for Mr. Fluffy Pant$. We do not know if he is still with Kesha, but we hope all is well with the cat.

In addition to giving Mr. Fluffy Pant$ social media accounts, Kesha also provided him home in one of the most affluent communities in Los Angeles. In a move most likely approved by her financial advisor, the singer dropped $5 million for the house. The spacious 5,943 square-foot home is good enough for her cats. She could even afford to spare them a bedroom as the house has five of them.
