Diane Court & Lloyd Dobler | Say Anything…
Cameron Crowe’s portrayal of adolescent love and rebellion, which was released in 1989, is full of grand gestures, brilliant music, and note-perfect observations about growing up in America. The Ione Skye–John Cusack romance is still popular today. Say Something…, directed by Cameron Crowe, ushered in a new era of Hollywood teen romantic comedies. His characters were fully developed, culturally sophisticated, and sufficiently wary of the prismatically overwhelming future that lay ahead of them, in contrast to the usual callow and teenage figures that had tended to dominate youth movies of the period.
It’s also a love story with a conventional happy ending that leaves a lot of questions unanswered. Say Anything… comes to a close with Lloyd Dobler and Diane Court flying to London for her snazzy and long-awaited fellowship. The two have already been through a lot such as a stop-and-start affair, bad advice from friends, a break-up with a pen as a consolation prize, Iceman Power Lloyd, more bad advice from friends, and her father’s imprisonment for defrauding the IRS – without lawyers’ aid. They also left America for a new adventure, which became a nice way to start over.
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