Adrian Pennino & Rocky Balboa | Rocky

Do you remember Adrian Pennino and Rocky Balboa in the 1976 movie Rocky? The movie’s sequel gave birth to the most iconic quotes in sports film history – when Rocky yelled his wife’s name and said, “I did it!” Their tale proved that love can get people through thick and thin, even in winning and losing battles.

The two met at a pet store, where Rocky frequently went to buy turtle food. Little did Adrian know that Rocky was the one her brother, Paulie, would force her to date with. Their romance started from there. As Adrian had a problem with her brother, Rocky offered her to stay in his apartment so that she didn’t need to pay for her mortgage anymore. The two lived together, and Rocky started to draw strength from her. At the time of his fight, Rocky called Adrian, and she rushed to the ring. Rocky made way for her and expressed his love for Adrian.
